Thursday 16 February 2012

Sad Day =(

Valentine's Day 2012, the first one as husband and wife but oh what a disappointment it was! Mr Ng had hinted to me a couple of days beforehand that I should be expecting something 'in' from him and so of course I got all excited (hot pink nano?!). But at 6pm on Valentine's Day evening I received a call from him saying he will not be back for a couple of hours since our jeweler (who will henceforth be referred to as 'Mr Jeweler') was in "big trouble" and he had to see him ASAP. Fast forward to 8pm and Mr Ng comes home and presents me with a box which I proceed to open eagerly only to find it containing a pearl necklace. Sorry to disappoint but I never wear pearls! I took one look at it and said my mum will like it (which she did). So, what happened??

Apparently, Mr Ng had ordered a blue sapphire to be made into a pendant but as Mr Jeweler was doing a final buff of the finished product he managed to crack it! My first reaction upon hearing this? If it's able to be cracked so easily then sapphires must be pretty crap (but apparently it was a bigass buffing machine). Second reaction was why the pearl necklace then? In their desperation, Mr Ng and Mr Jeweler were desperately searching for options (at 7pm on Valentine's Day night..) and these were the ones they decided not to go with:

  • giving me the empty pendant setting and hoping I wouldn't notice the actual jewel was missing

  • giving me an empty box and hoping that the box alone would make me happy

  • giving me a right hand ring not even worthy of a left hand

In the end, Mr Jeweler rushed Mr Ng next door to the office specialising in pearl jewelery and told him to pick one (as Mr Jeweler put it, "you have to go home with something!") much to Mr Ng's protests that his mother-in-law was the pearl person, not his wife. He knows me too well..

So there you have it, our first Valentine's as a married couple and no gift, no flowers, not even a card to commemorate the occasion. What a sad, sad day indeed.

Blue sad face

A blue sad face to represent the blue sapphire that wasn't

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