Tuesday 2 October 2012

2012 Sugar Hit Preview at Azuma

Last week my good friend Bisycl over at YaYa's Yums Yums was kind enough to invite me to be her +1 at a special bloggers preview for this year's Sugar Hit at Azuma. She was telling me that every now and then restaurants will invite the writers of popular food blogs to special tastings and I think this is such a smart (and simple!) thing for restaurants to do given the huge number of followers that some of these blogs have. I must admit though I did feel a little out of my league taking pictures on my little Blackberry as opposed to the bigass SLR's that some of the others had. Perhaps I need to take my blogging a little more seriously lol..

canapes to start - these bloggers have it good!

 Brown Brothers Cienna Rosso - seriously nice

East meets West Dessert Bento Box - sake sample, marble gateaux cookies, gateaux chocolat
kawaii panna cotta, home-made yuzu sorbet

Sugar Hit-ers will be given either the plum (the sweetest and my favourite), yuzu nigori or nigori sake sample depending on the night, but we were fortunate enough to sample all three

For me the panna cotta was definitely the standout especially with all the brown sugar jelly at the bottom. The sorbet was tasty but the popping sparkles continued to pop down my throat which was a very strange feeling indeed. And just when we though the night was over, we were each given a bottle of this as a parting gift:

The folks over at Azuma really do know how to make you feel special!

The Azuma Sugar Hit costs $20 and is available nightly from 9-11pm until the end of the month. Just be sure to book in advance ;)

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