Saturday 13 August 2011

Long Overdue Post

I just realised that since Mr Ng came back from his trip I haven't posted a single thing! How very lazy of me. But lots to update on.

First up, I am now up to my third week of French class and it has been going very well indeed. 'Je voudrais cafe noir avec gateau, s'il vous plait' which means 'I would like a black coffee with cake, please' haha..One day I will attempt to write a post in French - although it will probably consist of food items and touristy phrases.

Also went to see Saltimbanco last weekend and while it was good, I didn't find it to be as jaw-dropping as the Dralion show which was touring here back in 2008. Nevertheless as with all Cirque Du Soleil's, it was extremely colourful and highly entertaining.


Luckily Mr Ng realised about 10 minutes before we left that the venue was actually Acer Arena and not Moore Park where I initially thought it was - phew!


Our kickass side of stage seats.

Also as mentioned in my earlier post here, Mr Ng and I went to the Chocolate High Tea at Shangri-La:




Wow the High Tea Society's photo is so much better than the ones I took on my Blackberry huh.

The company was great, the atmosphere was lovely but omg it was too much chocolate! Although I suppose we really should have been expecting it what with it being called a 'chocolate' high tea and all.


A cool fake giant chocolate ball at the entrance (yes, Mr Ng took it upon himself to confirm that it was fake)

I would probably only recommend this high tea to people who have a really sweet tooth or are having major chocolate cravings - this will be sure to get it out of your system. But I am looking forward to one day trying out the normal high tea set here due in large part to the fact that the Shangri-La loose leaf tea menu is one of the most extensive I have encountered to date.

Anyways my weekend has almost begun (can't wait til the day I no longer have to work on Saturday mornings!), will try to snap some pics of the goodies Mr Ng brought back for me soon :D

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